Thursday, June 11, 2009

Summer time in San Diego, my favorite city, my home. I am living with my London bestie, Julianne and working full-time on campus for the season. I realized when I got back home from study abroad how much I missed taking pictures. So no matter how many sighs and tourist comments I may get, even here where I live, I am going to spend the rest of my life with my cam attached to my hand. The photos I just posted are mostly from Ocean Beach, what locals call O.B. It is the Santa Cruz of SoCal. The surfboard is Julianne's, one she found in an old dorm we were cleaning out which was probably deserted by some priviledged kid after suffering some minor injuries (the board, not the kid) which are currently being doctored at the surf-shop. The chop-stick pic was taken during a sushi night when a friend made me my first sushi rolls ever. I feel pretty iffy about it still. haha. Anyhoo, there will be more to come...stay tuned and stay cool.
