Thursday, November 13, 2008

Paris Blogs and How-to's

Hey guys,
I just posted a buzillion new pictures all from Paris. Make sure you see all Parts 1-9 plus the video I posted right before Part 1. Some were booted off the first page because there were so many, so scroll down to the bottom and click on "Older Posts" if you want to look.

Paris Part 9

Notre Dame
On the Eiffel Tower

Incredible street dancers in Paris. We watched them for about an hour and I could have watched all night. It was boggling.

Paris Part 8

Out to eat in the Latin Quarter

on the tour
awesome juggler guy

Paris Part 7

This is me on the metro train. I was so tired and sick.
In Paris there are bikes everywhere, parked right on the street for people to rent. And you really do see people riding them, everywhere.

An awesome street band right across the street from Notre Dame.

Paris Part 6

Above: this was right by our hotel in the Latin Quarter. Called so because it is right by the Sorbonne, where, long ago, students spoke Latin as the language of the educated.
Lots of places sold fruit out on the streets.
L'Arc de Triomphe
It was funny. In Paris, street performers came out in whole bands. They were so good!

Paris Part 5

Paris Part 4

We saw all these amazing things on our 4 hour walking tour of Paris. I was really really sick and really cold from the rain pouring non-stop but I loved Paris none the less.
A sidewalk cafe. one of millions.
This art work was covering a metro entrance. It was built as a celebration for 100 years of subway travel. France was only the fourth country to build a metro after Hungary, England and New York (US).
This is the Louvre.

Paris Part 3

Paris Part 2

Paris Part 1

It was sooooooooooo cold all the way up on the top. but so worth it!

the seine

this is where we had dinner on my first night in Paris
click on the play button to see the eiffel tower glittering at night. better enjoy it too. its lit up for about 10 minutes every hour on the hour and that costs the french government about 4000 euros per night to do it. it is lovely though.

Thursday, November 6, 2008