So, Peter and Sandra called me to ask if I might be interested in house-sitting/cat-sitting for them for a few days if I was in town. I said, no, I am not in town, but YES, I would love to come house-sit for you! So I drove down Saturday (tons of traffic all the way from right after the grapevine to San Diego, my legs were killing me from all the stop and go/brake and gas). It was so lovely there. I miss it so much. The weather was a dream. These pics are just me playing around with my fancy camera. I wanted to try black and white and I must tell you, it is classy. It can make the most drab little photos seem like pure art. I love it!
The photo above and below is taken from the farmer's market in OB (or Ocean Beach), a little hippy town right down the road from my alma mater. The tuberoses are intoxicating. You can smell them all throughout the little street market and I couldn't resist. This is one for the road.

This is my friend Josh (including new mustache). We worked together for two summers in Conference Services and he just worked a third summer this last year. Crazy man

Me and Julianne trying a jumping pic that ended up looking like a hilarious/ridiculous ghost picture. I love my hysterical facial expression. That is the problem with jumping pics for me--I always forget that the face is supposed to be involved and always end up looking really doofy.

This is Julianne and Julianne. We all met in London. Here we had just come back from the Mandarin House--great chinese food.

Julianne and Julianne.

These are all taken at OB. Dad loves OB. It makes me think of him now. I woke up early and drove down. It was the first time I had seen it in early morning (generally I don't function well in the morning). But I was charged with being in a place I love and couldn't stay in bed. It was foggy and I sat on the edge of the beach and drank some starbucks black iced tea, and eating an apple-fritter, called Dad to say "hey" and make him jealous of where I was, haha.

Narragansett Street. One of my fave Loma Streets. Straight shot to the ocean. gorgeous.

This was taken downtown. I have this love of Starbucks--difficult to explain. I love seeing all the different little shops and the variations between town and country and state.

Turk and Caico. Named for the tropical islands. They are such wonderful cats. I think even someone who hated cats would like them. You can't help but respect Turk. He is so dignified, haha. (turk is the big light colored cat)

Ahhhh, Chipotle. how I love your burritos...

Sandra grows plumeria out on her deck. I have never before seen them in bloom like this--normally they are just creepy looking naked branches. beautiful they are like this.

out on the deck.


This is the Swap Meet. Julianne and I went on Sunday to see what we could find for her new apartment.

Talbot Street.

Lemonade at the Swap Meet.

This is the view from Peter and Sandra's deck. This is a pretty good picture and still it does not suffice to describe the breathtaking calm of the harbor.
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