this was taken in the Science Museum.

i am attempting to cover the boob here, not fondle it. haha.

science museum.

yeah, i touched it.

British Museum. this is me outside in the rain pretending i am on a country road. i wish.

this was outside the British Museum. very rainy day. i loved it.
1 comment:
Dear Hungry Chicken,
I'm sure enjoying the material you post. Travel=learning and is thus a great education in and of itself.
While you're ferning around rainy old England, I'm dodging hurricanes on America's Third Coast, the Gulf. Hurricane Ike clawed its way across the Caribbean and then right thru Houston, Texas, where I live. The house and I escaped damage, but my electricity was only restored yesterday, over 2 weeks after the big blow. I felt like Osama bin Laden, living in a drak cave at nite, and Hurricane Ike gave me one more reason to dislike Republicans!
Keep traveling & keep learning,
Uncle Howard
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