above is where Eleanor Rigby is buried. below is the barbershop on penny lane where all four beatles would go to get their famous haircuts.

above is the exact place where john first met paul. this was the exact place the band played that night.

Strawberry fields was an orphanage in liverpool where John used to jump the fence and play with the kids. there were no strawberries here except the ones on the fence and the color of the fence.

this was at the Liverpool docks. very very very cold here. and rainy. and windy. so cold!

this is the poster inside the taxi tour cab we took. it was a three hour tour given by a guy from liverpool who spoke the scouse dialect which sounds more like irish/scottish. i loved loved loved liverpool. the people are great. just working class regular people. good people.

this was the house John Lennon grew up in with his aunt.

this plaque, if you can read it says that this place, this church is where john lennon and paul mccartney first met. it was at a church garden fete where john lennon was playing with his band, the quarrymen. he always played with his back to the audience because he was embarassed that he couldnt play guitar. he just strummed madly. also he didnt know the words either. but that is what first impressed paul who came at the invite of a friend, on the night of his father's birthday (the first birthday since his mother died). he didnt originally want to go, but wanted to be there for his dad. however, when he was told there would be girls there he quickly hopped on his bike and went. they first met when paul picked up john's guitar and began tuning it during an intermission. eventually they became friends, though paul was only fifteen and john seventeen. paul taught john how to play guitar in his home living room.

this was in bath.

roman baths in bath, england.

this was the cathedral in chester where we took the most boring tour of my lifetime. but its a charming little town.


creepy stonehenge birds.

creepy caterpillar, haha.

crazy looking stonehenge bird.

this is our tour guide. he was my favorite british person in all the u.k. so far. very witty guy. here he is trying to feel the energy. but it was pretty obvious he was no believer, haha. he thought it was hilarious.

there was tons of sheep poo everywhere all over avebury grounds. it was like a mine field!

poor guy got yelled at for this. cool picture though.

Avebury sheep. creepy sheep.

Avebury, the lesser known creepy-giant-rocks-in-ground place.

this is me in the stocks, haha. we had lunch here in Lacock. delicious soup, adorable teensie town.

beautiful autumn colours.

this below is a little gate meant so that humans can walk through but sheep can't.

they filmed footage of Harry Potter at this house.


this is Castle Combe. pronounced 'castle cooom.'